Feudalism in the Middle Ages resembles a pyramid, with the lowest peasants at its base and the lines of authority flowing up to the peak of the structure, the king. ... Life lived under the Medieval Feudal System, or Feudalism, demanded that everyone owed allegiance to the King and their immediate superior.
A. Bus boycotts in Montgomery, Alabama
D. Ratificación of the 13th, 14th, 15th amendments
Answer: it meant the author of the text believed that the royal power should be absolute and that the King need not render any account of his actions.
Explanation: The author (Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet,) wrote that kings and queens should have absolute power and make all of the decisions because if they don't then they couldn't do any good or avert evil, but the glorious revolution convinced people that the monarchy shouldn't have all the power.
He went on to make comparison between God and the monarchy saying "As all perfection and all strength are united in God, so all the power of individuals is united in the person of the prince." Jacques-Bénigne Lignel Bossuet was a French bishop and theologian, renowned for his sermons and considered by many to be one of the most brilliant orators of all time.