Plessy v. Ferguson This was a court case before Brown v. Board of Education, but was still a very important part in Brown v. Board of Education. Homer Plessy, who was only one eighth black, sat in the white section of a train. However, the people that worked on the train still classified him as an African American.
brainlest plss
Greek and Roman are bedrock of the classical culture of Western civilization.
From Greece we inherited a political system and governing model called democracy which flourished in Athens many centuries before our era. The great Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle left us their thinking and philosophy that are the first major works on society and politics, ethics, morality, government. Greek mythology, adopted by the Romans, provided stories and enduring symbols in Western cultures, as well as magnificent inspiration for some of the best Western art and literature. Greek comedy and tragedy are the first major heights of world theater, and Homer gave us the Iliad and the Odyssey. Greek and Roman architecture still serve as models for many of our modern buildings. Thanks to Herodotus, the first world historian, we know about the Medic Wars and the conquests of Alexander the Great.
Rome inherited us also great thinkers, writers, speakers, the art of oratory. From Roman governing system, we have inherited an institution that still exists today in modern democracies: the Senate. Latin , the Roman people´s language, was adopted as the official language of the Catholic Church and of scholars for many centuries; it is the mother of contemporary Romanic languages such as French, Italian and Spanish.
Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and Black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.
Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy
The protests here in the United States showed that the American people did not want to fight this war. They felt that it was a war we never should have entered. Unfortunately for the American soldiers over in Vietnam once they returned they were disrespected and treated with distain. The protester were so against the war that they forgot about the men who actually served and died and for their country