A. It gave the colonists a chance to govern themselves. ... A. It gave the colonists a chance to govern themselves. The Tuscarora War between settlers and American Indians in North Carolina was caused by. A. local tribes attacking Jamestown and burning it to the ground.
The city of Galveston adopt the commission system of government because city government was unable to handle recovery efforts after a hurricane.
Answer: Option D
The commission system of government consists of a legislative body which takes the responsibility of imposing and collecting taxes. Apart from this there are commissioners assigned for roles like public works and safety.
This was done to ensure a mix of legislative and executive mix of governance. This originated in Galveston, Texas after the hurricane in 1900. Before implementing this system, it was first tested and later implemented. This was followed by other cities taking up this system.
The Morrill Land-Grant Acts are United States statutes that allowed for the creation of land-grant colleges in U.S. states using the proceeds of federal land sales.
Its purpose is to get the temple closer to the heavens, and provide access from the ground to it via steps. The Mesopotamians believed that these pyramid temples connected heaven and earth. In fact, the ziggurat at Babylon was known as Etemenanki, which means "House of the foundation of heaven and earth" in Sumerian.
Why did historians choose to study this topic the correct answer is b