Whiskey Rebellion
Rebellion on whiskey tax, farmers source of income.
“Como seres humanos tenemos la capacidad de comunicarnos constantemente, incluso sin pronunciar palabra alguna podemos transmitir lo que pensamos y sentimos. Esto es muy importante ya que el lenguaje corporal es un medio de comunicación y en ella se refleja la identidad de cada persona.”
Your answer is A.) Lincoln won 40% of the popular vote. Lincoln actually won the election with less than 40% of the popular vote.
Trade helped empires gain money, troops, slaves, food and relations with other empires
The Atlantic Ocean is the one to far left. The Italian peninsula is the one that is farthest to the right, it kinda looks like a boot. The Alps are right above the Italian peninsula, they have dark green around it with white tops. The Arctic Ocean is the one that is closest to the top of the photo where the boxes are. The Mediterranean is just to the left of the Italian peninsula. Then the Strait of Gibraltar is the one closest to the bottom, pointing to the small gap of water.
I just know my geography