the sun shines on earth, which through photosynthesis in a humble blade of grass turns into food and energy for the grass. now a small mouse hops along, stomach growling. it eats our blade of grass now itself getting energy. the naive, full mouse hops through the field before it squeaks in horror. a snake slinks towards it. the mouse is too slow. and the mouse breathes his last breath. the snake swallows it whole. stomach content now digesting its new energy sleeps. before it has the chance to react a hawk snatches it up in her claws. killing it she eats. this snake is poisonous, the next time our hawk flies, she stumbles, then falls. vanquished by poison her lifeless body lies in the dirt. her nutrients go into the soil, thanks to decomposers like worms. her nutrients help new grass blades grow, and the cycle continues.
I hope this helps u!
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Fluid mosaic is a term used to describe the current model of the cell membrane. Cell membranes are basically double layers (bilayers) of molecules called phospholipids.A mosaic is a structure made up of many different parts.<span> Mainly because of the way the plasma membrane is made up. It is fluid because it can wave and wobble like fluid, a bit sticky though. Due to the phospholipids sticking together. It is called mosaic because there are various proteins stuck inside the fluid creating a kind of patchwork or mosaic </span>
The mitosis stops when chromosomes are at the maximum condenstation, it is practically metaphase but the chromosomes are not attached to the spindles so they don't form the equatorial plate.