I will assume you mean the Homestead Act of 1862, which was the first and most iconic one. In that case, the requirements were that the homesteader, the one filing the claim, be either the head of the household OR twenty-one years old, they had to live only on the designated land, build a home, improve it, and farm the land for five years, and, finally, they had to be a United States citizen that had never taken up arms against America.
The Rogue is one of only three rivers that start in or east of the Cascade Range in Oregon and reach the Pacific Ocean. The others are the Umpqua River and Klamath River.
Five Pillars of Islam
1. The Shahadah (Declaration of Faith)
2. Prayer (Salah)
3. Fasting during the month of Ramadan (Sawm)
4. Charity or alms-giving (Zakat)
5. A pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)
Representation is based on population, and the US has grown steadily.
Because the Silk Road was too long to travel so they wanted a shorter way to Asia.