Domus meant home in Latin
The word domus is found in more languages than English like in some if not all Slavic languages dom meaning home.
Other words that have the same root in English would be domicile, domestically, domain.
Many languages were influenced by Latin since the Roman Empire conquered most of Europe, Anatolia and some parts of Africa.
The Greatest Generation is a term used to describe those who grew up during the Great Depression and fought World War II, or whose labor helped win it. ... The Greatest Generation is also known as the "G.I. Generation" or the "WWII Generation."
most soldiers served at least two years in vietnamese.
I wrote a really thorough explanation but It got deleted because "it was inappropriate" I guess they just want a watered-down version but Im not give you that so here:
PS: if you want sources ask and you shall receive. goodluck! (:
1. He was a leader of lakota people
3. He is believed to have killed Gen. custer.
4. He was part of Buffalo bills cast for 4 months
6. He was killed while being taken into custody