It is there history of there creativity of making the design of the Rock for Kings and other richer people so that their place can look better then any other
Indian rock-cut architecture has more examples than any other form of rock-cut architecture in the world.
[1] Rock-cut architecture defines the practice of creating a structure by carving it out of solid natural rock. The craftsman removes rock not part of the structure until the architectural elements of the excavated interior constitute the only rock left. Indian rock-cut architecture, for the most part, is religious in nature.
[2] In India, caves have long been regarded as places of sanctity. Enlarged or entirely man-made caves hold the same sanctity as natural caves. The sanctuary in all Indian religious structures, even free standing ones, retain the same cave-like feeling of sacredness, being small and dark without natural light.
Curiously, Buddhist monks created their cave hermitages near trade routes that crossed northern India during the time of Christ. As wealthy traders became aware of the Buddhist caves, they became benefactors of expansion of the caves, the building of monolithic rock-cut temples, and of free-standing temples. Emperors and rulers also supported the devotional work and participated in the spiritual devotional services. Very likely, traders would use the hermitages for worship on their routes. As Buddhism weakened in the face of a renewed Hinduism during the eighth century C.E., the rock structure maintenance, expansion, and upgrading fell to the Hindus and Jains. Hindu holy men continued building structures out of rock, dedicating temples to Hindu gods like Shiva, until mysteriously they abandoned the temples around the twelfth century C.E. They abandoned the structures so completely that even local peoples lost knowledge of the awesome structures in their midst. Only in the nineteenth century, when British adventurers and explorers found them, did India rediscover the awesome architecture that comprises world treasures.
On September 22, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln issues a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which sets a date for the freedom of more than 3 million black slaves in the United States and recasts the Civil War as a fight against slavery.
The battle of the Atlantic was the naval warfare in the Atlantic Ocean between the German Kriegsmarine and the Allies' navies. The German Kriegsmarine had two categories: the Unterseefloat, which contained U-Boats (a type of German submarine), and the HochSeeFleet which contained the Capital ships, cruisers, and destroyers. The U-Boats were the main danger, as many Allied convoys had no escorts at the beginning of the war. The HochSeeFleet lost its pride, the Bismarck, on its maiden voyage, and never saw the success the Submarines did. Eventually, the battle of the Atlantic was won because of Germany's neglection of the navy, focusing all of it's resources to the land wars. Special sonar technology eventually made U-Boats much less scary, as they could be detected.
Bold is why the Allies won.
"weary of the 'Negro Question'" and "'sick of carpet-bag' government." are related to the same political, social end economical event that happened in the USA after the end of the Civil War: The Reconstruction era. Congressional Reconstruction included the stipulation that to reenter the Union, former Confederate states had to ratify the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments. Congress also passed the Military Reconstruction Act, which attempted to protect the voting rights and civil rights of African Americans. Former Confederates resented the new state constitutions because of their provisions allowing for black voting and civil rights, where we can explain the "weary of the 'Negro Question'". Carpetbaggers were northerners who allegedly rushed South with all their belongings in carpetbags to grab the political spoils were more often than not Union veterans who had arrived as early as 1865 or 1866, drawn South by the hope of economic opportunity and other attractions that many of them had seen in their Union service. Many other so-called carpetbaggers were teachers, social workers, or preachers animated by a sincere missionary impulse.
Wealthy residents bought works of art, which supported artists.