Because of Dhaka's position below sea level the city experiences yearly flooding, particularly around the monsoon seasons and has the constant threat of rising sea levels, which would of course cause more flooding.
Frankfurt is the capital of Kentucky.
The appropriate answer is B. DIVERGENT. Divergent margins occur where two oceanic plates are pulling apart or it can occur where a Continental landmass is pulling apart.
As oceanic plates pull apart magma up wells from the mantle and new crust is formed along what is called a spreading ridge. The Mid Alantic ridge is an example of a spreading ridge where new oceanic crust is being formed.
A rugged area with large variations in elevation would have high relief, whereas a relatively flat location would have low relief.
Maps that capture data approximately alleviation are termed topographic maps. Maximum geologic maps include topographic information inside the form of contour strains.
Comfort is the distinction between lowest and highest elevation in a location. Only a few surfaces on the earth are genuinely flat. We describe deviations from flatness as relief.
Similarly to showing absolute elevation, contour strains, by means of their spacing, monitor the steepness of slopes at a look. On a steep slope, they have got close collectively.
To learn more about variation in elevation