Before assessing the two given cases, an assumption needs to be made about the digestion of the two types of food items, corn and beef. Let us assume that both get digested by expending same amount of energy by the human body. Let the amount of energy at producer level be an arbitrary X.
Case 1: Corn to human:
Since corn is at the producer level, it will have X amount of energy. The transfer of energy from corn to human will take place with a loss of 90% energy at the producer level. Hence the humans will receive 10% of X amount of energy.
Case 2: Corn to cow to human:
Since corn has X amount of energy, only 10% will pass to the next level, i.e. cow. So cow has 10% of X. Cow transfers only 10% of the energy that it has. Hence humans receive only 10% of 10% of X amount of energy.
It can be seen that humans receive more energy in case 1 than case 2. Hence we can say that it is more efficient for humans to feed on corn.
<span>The two scientists, who are credited with creating the first accurate model of DNA are JAMES WATSON and FRANCIS CRICK. The success that these two scientists achieved concerning DNA structure is based on the works of other scientists, who have carried out series of research on DNA. The real proof of Watson - Crick model for DNA was released in 1982, this was after the B form of DNA was crystallized and its X ray pattern was solved.</span>
because ur hart pumps faster and then blood flow increases and the you have more blood delivery to your body
En los seres vivos acuáticos el oxigeno es tomado del <u><em>agua</em></u> y penetra a la célula por el fenómeno de <em><u>respiración branquial.</u></em>
La respiración es el proceso mediante el cual los seres vivos obtienen oxígeno. Es decir, la respiración implica el reemplazo del dióxido de carbono en los pulmones por oxígeno del aire, y puede ser pulmonar, branquial, traqueal o cutánea.
La respiración branquial es un tipo de respiración propia de la mayoría de los animales acuáticos y se lleva a cabo en las branquias, unas estructuras con forma de láminas que contienen vasos sanguíneos. Los animales acuáticos dispone de estos órganos que permiten absorber el oxígeno que se encuentra en el agua y eliminar el dióxido de carbono.
El agua que entra por la boca y circula por las branquias, donde el oxígeno es absorbido, pasa a la sangre y es transportado a todo el cuerpo donde se produce una respiración celular.
Es decir, <em><u>en los seres vivos acuáticos el oxigeno es tomado del agua y penetra a la célula por el fenómeno de respiración branquial.</u></em>