their you goo i cant cope and past but i can take pic of it
One by one, the Classic cities in the southern lowlands were abandoned, and by A.D. 900, Maya civilization in that region had collapsed. The reason for this mysterious decline is unknown, though scholars have developed several competing theories. which is Maya had exhausted the environment around them to the point that it could no longer sustain a very large population. <span>Other Maya scholars argue that constant warfare among competing city-states led the complicated military, family (by marriage) and trade alliances between them to break down, along with the traditional system of dynastic power. As the stature of the holy lords diminished, their complex traditions of rituals and ceremonies dissolved into chaos. Finally, some catastrophic environmental change–like an extremely long, intense period of drought–may have wiped out the Classic Maya civilization. Drought would have hit cities like Tikal–where rainwater was necessary for drinking as well as for crop irrigation–especially hard</span>
yes bc...
- she lowered prices for low wage workers
-improved farming techniques so food surplus
-conquered other lands really well/established new public works
Jackie Peterson's father was killed just before Christmas. Thus,
for her, the holidays became a conflicted and an emotional
2) Jackie and her siblings were pushed by their mother into an
orphanage, and Jackie was separated from her brothers for ten
3) While it is not known whether or not Jackie suffered emotional,
sexual or physical abuse, documentation now proves that the place
where she lived all those lonely years was a "cesspool of
4) We do know that soon after arriving at this place Jackie
developed debilitating asthma and was at the mercy of her keepers
--- not only for her day-to-day existence, but also for her very
breath since they had control of her medications.
5) Jackie left the orphanage to care for her ailing mother who soon
died, and again she was left alone. Did she have expectations of a
"family reunion" that turned into another loss?
6) In the next few years Jackie gave birth to two children with two
different men and gave up both for adoption.
7) Jackie kept her third child conceived with a third partner
because her doctor shamed her into it.
8) A few years later Jackie married Lee Peterson, a man who left
his wife and three children because he was not comfortable in the
company of his offspring.
The North relied mostly on industry for income but the South was almost all agricultural. Without the slaves they didn't have many people left to work the land.