Since you did not give choices for the rites of passages, I will just give you the answers. According to Arnold van Gennep, there rites of passages have different phases - mainly there are three available. There are separation, liminality, and incorporation, in a respective manner. These answers are phases which means that they should be followed and considered step by step.
Stagflation, price control. Keynesian policies were failing. The oil
crisis showed the stupidity of price controls. The stagflation showed
that an increase in the money supply does not increase wealth.
In the 70s we still had Vietnam, we had Nixon, there was Watergate,
Gerald Ford, Paul Volcker raising interest rates to 20% in the Federal
Reserve, government bailing out Chrysler. </span>
1st one: x = 3
2nd: y = 10
Because it had cannons and ammo