Buying on margin is borrowing money from a broker to purchase stock
You can think of it as a loan from your brokerage. Margin trading allows you to buy more stock than you'd be able to normally. To trade on margin, you need a margin account.
railroads made resources and products easier to transport. The US government gave land to the railroads to help them expand. … Trains from different rail lines could use each other's tracks.
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The First Crusade is initiated when Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenus requests help in reconquering from the Seljuk Turks the lost territory of Asia Minor . Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont calls upon the princes of Christendom for an armed “pilgrimage” to recover Jerusalem from the Muslims.
Government as a necessary evil,
State of Nature,
The Inevitability of American Independence, The Inevitability of British Oppression, America's relationship with the rest of Europe, The Problems with Monarchy
Answer: They used treaty or forced.
Explanation: If you read about the Columbian Exchange you find out that the colonizers exchanged gifts with the Natives and exchanged diseases and what they mean by that is they poisoned the Natives with the food they gave them. Once most of the population was dead the success of England's colonies depended on the exploitation of Native Americans who were forced off their lands.