There was more than one technology that was developed at the time, but one technolgoy that surely made a strong impact and also enabled Europe becoming the dominant military force was the invention and perfection of military tactics together with muskets and cannons. This made them practically unstopable against any native population around the world.
The New Testament writings contend that the resurrection was "the beginning of His exalted life" as Christ and Lord. Jesus is the "firstborn of the dead," prōtotokos, the first to be raised from the dead, and thereby acquiring the "special status of the firstborn as the preeminent son and heir.", The Bible tells us that Jesus died and rose again not only so that we could receive forgiveness, but even more so, He died and rose again so that we might have life. It is through His death and resurrection that we receive life. ... Christ died and rose again that we might live through Him - that's salvation.
Wilson outlined fourteen points that included the end of secret diplomacy, armament reductions, freedom of the seas, and the creation of an international organization with representatives of every nation to avoid any conflict escalation.
But the European allied nations were more interested in retribution than peace and Germany was forced to pay unlimited reparations. While the Fourteen Points were all ignored, Wilson did get approval for a league of nations. However, back in the US, he encountered opposition from isolationist Republicans in Congress who thought the League could limit the country’s autonomy and drag the country into another war.
Answer: The battle of Waterloo took place in Belgium.
Hope this helps!