What are the multiple choice answers?
The main reason why <span>America offered Marshall Aid to Europe was to stop the spread of communism, since countries with terrible, war-torn economies were at much more risk of falling prey to the communists. </span>
Answer:Both religions believe in the Torah Both religions are monotheistic
Explanation: Above all, Judaism and Christianity are monotheistic, so-called Abraham's religions. While the Jews have and respect the Old Testament, where the Torah is among others, they do not recognize the New Testament. In addition, the Jews also have a Talmud. Christians recognize the New Testament and Old Testament, and so does Torah. In addition, Christians acknowledge the records of the holy fathers of the Church. So it can be said that Christians and Jews share only the Old Testament.
The Jews do not believe that Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God, while the Christians believe in it, that is, the Christians believe in the Holy Trinity.
Christians visit the Churches, while the Jews visit the synagogues.