Tax reforms.
Formed in 1891, the people's party also known as the populist party was formed because farmers wanted a political party that would represent their interests and needs. Some of the interests by the farmers which led to the creation of the party includes: tax reforms, railroad regulations, and unlimited coinage of silver.
Summary of the Passage:
The Albany Movement was a movement against segregation policies in Albany and was supported by the SNCC, NAACP, and SCLC. Martin Luther King's goal was to advise people rather than join in on the movement but he was arrested during a demonstration for 45 days and a fine. He was released three days later during an attempt to cause change by choosing jail time but the movement would end a year later without achieving its goals to end segregation policies in Albany.
Napoleon lost power due to his failed major military campaigns. He tried to split his army to fight in two different fronts. He also retreated back to Paris after a crushing defeat.
People would sell slaves there along with tobacco , tea, sugar , weapons , and other goods. They would also meet up to trade belongings for better ones.