The answer is B. Declarative.
Exclamatory ends in an "!" Interrogative ends in an "?" Imperative is a command. Declarative is a statement.
Prefix: affix added to the beginning of a word.
combining form: a word part which must attach to a word in order to be useable in a word.
suffix: affix added to the end of a word.
inflection: affix that gives grammatical meaning such as tense or number.
affix: syllable added to a root word to change its meaning.
comparative: degree of comparison formed by adding (er).
love: root word of lovable.
superlative: degree of comparison formed by adding (est).
bound morpheme: modified form of a word that occurs only in combination.
free morpheme: an independent word.
Mary Jackson prepared an assignment but John Becker was not ready to approve the result of the assignment which led to the disagreement between them.
It became evident later that John Becker had the wrong input data which made him the wrong party in the disagreement.