no. 8 you must be your very best in the darkest moments : as when we are in our darkest time than the people around us show their true colours so we have to be best at our darkest moments to handle the situation. no. 1 start of by making your bed : first a individual person should be independent by starting to their own bed and chores. no.2 find someone to find you paddle: their are many people in our life but we have to find one person who help us to find our paddle without any selfishness. no.3 we should always see the heart of a person if a person is good looking but does not have a good and kind heart and always flips than their is no use of that kind of person. no. 4 their is no benefit of being a sugar cookie because their are many obstacles in our life so, keep moving forward to achieve our goals. no 5 if u want to change the world than don't be afraid of a circuses. no 6 while their may be more comfortable or easier ways to complete an obstacle , if u throw caution to the wind and shimmg down to the rope head first. no. 7 on the way of your goals their are many people who will try to pull u down but we should not back down and lose our hope.
The seven step military solving process is sequence of steps that help any leader work through a problem.
The last (seventh) step in the seven step military solving process is : Making and implementing the decision and analyzing solution for effectiveness.
The first step on the other hand is identifying the problem.
Good relations with other countries in order to control the natural resources apart from rival imperialist <span>policy</span>
Wyoming and Idaho border Montana to the south