Because thats where Grendel goes to eat at night. The grabs those who are sleeping and eats them. It’s all in the epic Beowulf
Yes if they have enough votes.
Checks and balances so that no one branch, executive, legislative, or judicial can takeover the power in the U.S.
A strong and organized empire should also be able to have a strong and very organized army. This means they would most likely populate their frontier with settlers and station armies there to defend the frontier. The army would be a professional one made from highly skilled and dedicated soldiers that would be able to repel any opposing threat.
A colonial society have to adapt to another land, native culture, weather and nutrition. The new society give the chance to social ascention and to the formation of a new economic and political elite. So, in a colonal society we have new ways to survive.
he is loyal and guguioonnb huùiibgsubsh