A good paragraph is composed of a topic sentence , relevant supporting sentences, and a closing sentence. This structure is key to keeping your paragraph focused on the main idea and creating a clear one
1: the saying means the world can be a big stage drawing a line from reality and being deceived. Many people on this earth act is if they are in a play. Hiding behind a mask, pretending everything is okay, pretending they are saints but are only a wolf in sheep clothing.
The correct answers are B) "The price a consumer is willing to pay for a garden hose—its “perceived value”—is a lot higher in Germany than in the United States." And C) "If you want to buy a bottle of water while strolling through Central Park, you may be in for a shock."
Those are the sentences from the passage that support the idea that prices vary for complicated reasons.
The passage states that most consumers look for the best quality item for the lowest possible price and that the price they are willing to pay is influenced by many factors such as the wage they earn at work, how much they need the item, the amount of money they pay for their food, housing, and clothing. These factors change from one place to another and of course, prices too.
That is why is so difficult to understand that a bottle of water in your city cost $1.99, but in Central Park, New York, the same bottle different label can cost twice or more...and people pay it because they agree with the cost and the necessity that is satisfying. The same with the hose in Germany. It that is the correct value Germans assign to the function of the hose, they have no problem to pay an expensive price.
Arranged marriages might seem unfamiliar and strange to a Western viewer, but they are actually fairly common around the world"
Arranged marriage is a form of marriage where the selection of the bride and the groom is done by other people and not the couples themselves.
It should be noted that this isn't common in the Western viewer, but they are actually fairly common around the world.
In the Western World, people usually choose their partners themselves.