Hi hopefully you will have to see this again
First start with 2020, when it first happened, then delta variant, more cases, and so on... and maybe include when the people could get the vaccine
Maybe so you know it when/if it comes up later in school.
Teasing can seem playful and is most commonly between friends. Bullying is kinda like teasing except that someone may be getting hurt physically or emotionally and has no way of stopping it.
Yes, it is B, it is a defining relative clause, notice that without the relative clause the sentence feels empty <em>Only the players are going to get sunburned today. </em>
Defining relative clauses use <em>who/that</em> for people, <em>which/that</em> for things and they are not delimited by commas.
<em>Only the people that/who arrived first can enter.</em>
<em>This the house that/which I used to live in.</em>
Non-defining clauses are just extra comments, optionally they can be removed about the previous noun/pronoun, they are separed by commas and <em>that</em> cannot be used.
<em>Mary,who wears glasses, lives next door.</em>
<em>This country, which was a super power in the past, is still facing amajor economic crisis.</em>