The Virginia Plan was favored by large states. It had two houses of congress and representation was based on population. It was to create a strong national government.
The New Jersey Plan was favored by small states. It had one house of congress and stated each state should have equal representation. It was similar to the articles of confederation.
I would choose the Virginia Plan. Their representation was based on each states population. This would allow for fair say in government matters because a state would only have as many votes as people.
Because living in Urban Areas tend to promote individuality.
According to Georg Simmel, the lifestyle that exist in Urban Area tend to force the people who live there to be more independent and individualistic. Things such as competition in the work place, having to pay expensive bills, and very little time to socialize contributed to this situation. In order to survive in this environment, people tend to develop a calculative and rational approach before they make every actions.
Individuals who live in rural area do not experience similar problem. They tend to be older, work less, and have more time to get to know their neighbors. This is why on average they tend to be more sentimental compared to the people who live in Urban area.
When a person experiences a period of euphoria, elevated self-esteem, increased talkativeness, enhanced energy and a decreased need for sleep it is termed as mania.
Mania is characterized by an excessive level of activity, energy, mood or conduct. This elevation must differ from how you typically behave and be apparent to others. Feelings of invincibility, sleep deprivation, rushed thoughts and ideas, fast speech and having erroneous beliefs or views are symptoms. The 3 stages of mania are: hypomania, acute mania and delirious mania. Mania is also divided into three categories: mixed states, hypomania and related diseases. With no known causes, manic episodes might cycle across several weeks or months.
A manic episode is when you have one or more mania symptoms and match the requirements for a manic episode. You might even need to be hospitalized in some circumstances.
To learn more about manic episode refer: