These sorts of studies can help researchers determine the relative importance of nurture and nature in determining a trait. Nature here would refer to genetics passed down to an individual from its parents, whereas nurture refers to the environment the individual is exposed to.
During normal breathing, the brain is stimulated to breath with increasing acidity as a result of CO2 concentration from basic metabolic processes. The brain is quite selfish and only really wants to maintain it's pH which should be at a range of 7.3-7.45, and will not tolerate any decrease.
In patients who have a chronic respiratory disorder with things like COPD. The brain has become accustomed to excessive acidic content, and is now stimulated by the Hypoxic drive or by low oxygen content.
mutations cause most cases of cancer. Some acquired mutations can be caused by things that we are exposed to in our environment, including cigarette smoke, radiation, hormones, and diet. Other mutations have no clear cause, and seem to occur randomly as the cells divide.
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