yes it is a native species
Ideas culturales.
Las ideas culturales de la población se modifican y enriquecen con el tiempo debido al contacto entre diferentes grupos culturales. Cuando una población entra en contacto con diferentes culturas, la población adopta algunos de los métodos, ideas y formas de esa cultura extranjera que conduce a la modificación y enriquecimiento de la cultura actual de la población. Entonces podemos concluir que la adaptación de las ideas de la cultura ajena conduce a la modificación de la cultura nativa.
Snow and ice cover less of the Earth's surface as a result of melting due to an increase in global temperature, which also lowers albedo. More energy is absorbed due to the decrease in albedo, which leads to increased warmth and melting.
Global temperature is significantly influenced by the equilibrium between the amount of solar energy reflected and absorbed by the Earth's surface. Snow, ice, and water on Earth have different capacities to reflect and absorb solar energy, and melting polar ice triggers a positive feedback loop that hastens global warming.
Pollution, including soot, decreases the albedo of ice and speeds up melting.
To know more about ice-albedo and temperature effect, visit:
Because Earth's gravitational pull is so strong, we do not notice the pull from other objects. Earth's gravity pulls everything to the center of Earth and prevents us from flying off into space