The preposition of the sentence would be the word "of" since it relates the subject, the Incas, to the clause, which is "possessions with special knotted cords called quipu."
Invention is a new process, method or technology. Its aim at solving a particular problem.
The cause-and-effect relationship with Invention. Most inventions are made for a purpose, some inventions comes in form of modification of the existing one and some are entirely new. If an invention is able to meet the demand and satisfy the needs for which it was made then it has a good cause-and-effect relationship and it could be the beginning of it
on the other hand, if an invention is not addressing any problem then its marks the beginning of its failure.
The denotation of the word rose is flower
Here is the answer of the given question above.
Based on the poem "Apostrophe to Man" by Edna St. Vincent Millay, the writer used negative words all throughout her poem which expresses a strongly negative connotation in it. One word that is being used throughout the poem is the word "detestable". Also, she uses the word "breed" which generally applies to animals, not humans, reinforcing our bestiality. Other words include "bombing", "bewildered" and "distracted". Hope this answer helps.
b. for nutrition and energy
Birds use seeds as a source of food, and food provides nutrition and energy to the body. So, the correct answer must be b.