He could move his Hall Heorot so Grendel would stop attacking them, because <span>after all, Grendel only wants his territory all to himself.
“d Dead birds is bad luck,” said Aunt Nicey, poking her head from the kitchen door. “Specially red dead birds!
Foreshadowing is a literary device that gives a hint of what may occur in the future or later in the story, it may be found in dialogues, symbols, titles, "bad feelings" from the character, etc. The mention of red dead birds nearby Doodle, it is a symbol of back luck, tragedy, and death, therefore, with this hint, the reader may be highly sure that Doodle is going to die.
When Telemachus respond to Antinous's reply in the assembly, He insists his father is alive, and therefore he cannot condemn his mother for not remarrying
After Odysseus has been gone for twenty years the suitors start to appear in order to become the new husband of Penelope, after all of this, Telemachus calls the assembly and communicates that he will go and look for news of his father and only if he can not find any sign that he's alive he would ask his mother to remarry with one of the suitors, since he still believes his father is alive and then his mother would not be free to remarry.
An autobiography is a first-person account of an entire life, while a memoir uses a person’s life story to elevate a larger theme or idea.
They live in the country.