Personality matters but an informal environment. However, Psychological disturbances, if any person is affected by it, matters in all. Hence, personality tests are conducted informal environment, and Psychological tests can be conducted in any environment but they are generally conducted within a family or in office, and not outside as it can harm the popularity of a person if he is. Both of these when found negative can result in serious downfalls of a person in his profession.
One example of a personality test can be like when a person is asked to speak in front of unknown audiences. And the public response proves how good a personality he is.
For Psychological test, you can ask a person to speak in unfavorable conditions in his friend circle. Some people hesitate to share their problems, and some people share as well as mention what they are doing to tackle it. But remember these are very close friends, and with whom the person shares everything without any hesitation. If he hesitates to continue this habit, he is psychologically disturbed definitely and must be referred to a good Psychiatrist immediately because if the symptoms continue for long the person might die even. And his finances are definitely going to seize as well which will result in a lot of stress over him/her. The immediate checkup is definitely what is required.
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