To make the production and sale of alcohol illegal
European explorers came to the "New World" oDetail from map: Novi Orbis
Detail from 16th century map. "Novi Orbis" is "new world" in Latin.
f North America in the 1500s. Before that time, the continent was an unknown place to them. These adventurers saw it as an entirely new land, with animals and plants to discover. They also met new people in this exciting New World—people with fascinating lifeways that the Europeans had never seen and languages they had never heard. This New World for Europeans was actually a very old world for the various people they met in North America. Today we call those people American Indians.
that how much i know im so srry for not knowing all
Food and soilders and taxes
I think one is good but I'm not sure
March 29 was chosen as National Vietnam War Veterans Day because on March 29, 1973, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam was disbanded and the last U.S. combat troops departed from the Republic of Vietnam.