That time period was known as the roaring 20s, america was at its best, but the depression started in 1930... so the late 20s economy would be good but starting to fail
Isn't really a question so
i'm guessing it is true.
Henry the Navigator - He is credited as the pioneer of the Age of Discoveries. He administratively led to the set up of these studies to enhance Portugal's maritime trade and exploration in other continents.
The amount of energy it takes on peoples labor to physically carry water back to their village and worrying about evaportation in hot weather which makes water transportation party weather dependant.
Looking for a clean source of water in the first place is also a tough one.
The president could become a stronger bargainer with congress by increasing his popularity with the people. This is because the members of congress represent citizens and if citizens aren't happy then they're going to complain to their congressman and congresswomen. If they don't act on what their constituents want then they'll eventually be voted out of office for someone who will.