Object-Oriented DBMS.
Like classes in Object oriented programming Object-Oriented DBMS is can store objects.It follows an Object oriented data model with the properties of classes and the properties of Object oriented programming also.Objects can be in the form of complex data types or different data types.
From the given diagram, consider a MIN node whose children are terminal nodes, if MIN plays
suboptimal. MIN will never be lower than the utility obtained playing against an optimal MIN
MIN will always select a move having minimax utility greater than or equal to the move that is
predicted by the minimax that is the MIN-played optimal value.
Then the MIN node's value is increased to MAX. This is done by induction.
One can do better than the minimax strategy, if the suboptimal play is predicted by MIN.
If MIN always falls for certain for certain kind of trap and losses, then setting up a trap guarantees a win.
See attached picture also.
Answer: Parentheses
The open and close parentheses basically identify the visual basic statement in the procedure call statement.
The close procedure basically in the visual basic statement basically terminate the call of a program that performed the real processing. Open and close is also known as right and left parentheses.
The close statement is basically control the pre-defined programming statement in the particular close procedure.
The answer & explanation for this question is given in the attachment below.