1. Epitaph
2. Mime
3. Biography
4. Resolution.
5. Alliteration.
1. A writing on a gravestone is termed as an epitaph. It is an inscription used to honor the dead i.e epitaph are written in memory of a deceased person.
2. Mime: is the use of gestures without words. For example, in a drama the actor may use different parts of his body to tell or express the message without saying a word.
3. Biography: a life history about someone written by another person. It comprises of the life story of an individual stating their achievements from infancy to adulthood.
4. An explanation put at the end of a story is termed resolution. They're usually written as a conclusion of plots contained in a literary work.
5. The literary device used in this extract "she shouted and shooed the sheep to the shelter" is an alliteration. An alliteration is a literary device which involves the repetitive use of consonants.
after restoration of monarch, when the freedom of nonconformist was curtailed, Bunyan was arrested and spent the next twelve years in jail as he refused to give up preaching