Here, you go drawn , in paint. Please note that you can simplify further more the circuit by removing any two not following each other.
Some of the functions of word processing software include: Creating, editing, saving and printing documents. Copying, pasting, moving and deleting text within a document. Formatting text, such as font type, bolding, underlining or italicizing.
Written in Python:
hours = int(input("Hours: "))
mins = int(input("Minutes: "))
result = hours * 60 + mins
print("Result: "+str(result)+" minutes")
This line prompts user for hours
hours = int(input("Hours: "))
This line prompts user for minutes
mins = int(input("Minutes: "))
This line calculates the required output
result = hours * 60 + mins
This line prints the required output in minutes
print("Result: "+str(result)+" minutes")
I = 0
while( i < ( n * 2 ) ):
s += '*'
i += 1
The object oriented software engineering approach is basically focus on the attention for capture the given structure and conduct the data frameworks in the form of small module which consolidates the information and the procedure.
The principle and aim of the Object Oriented Design (OOD) is that improving the quality of the system analysis and increase its productivity and more usable efficiently.
There are different phases in the object oriented software engineering approach are as follows:
- Firstly, we start analyze and define the particular system
- Then, construct the analysis model based on the above approach of the specific system.
- We verify the correctness of the system by using the testing.