The number of representatives would depend of the states' population.
There was a lot of patriotism after 1812. It was essentially the second revolutionary war.
The US actually gained territory in the south (West Florida from Spanish).
Manufacturing grew during this time to supply the war effort.
A ton of natives were killed during the war (10000 according to wikipedia), so there was a lot less resistance from the natives.
The correct answers are 1, 2, and 4.
A. It ended the conflict between Congress and President
I honestly think it was a moving period in American history. African Americans, though treated inhumanly, chose to respect the lives of others and held marches, and non-violent protests against white law. Meanwhile, you have a band of white Americans creating the Klu Klux Klan to invoke terror and use violence to scare the Colored Americans into doing what they want, to remain below them.
The secret police attempted to identify citizens who opposed the Communist Party and who could undermine it.