Because their fathers knew how to handle them and wanted to pass this knowledge to their sons? Or bc they believed that their sons needed this knowledge to succeed in life? Or that it was common to do so and their fathers taught them it so they wanted to continue this tradition? Idk bro
Missionary journeys
I just did this test and this was the correct answer
The main difference between the Sophists and the other philosophers is that the Sophists were essentially rhetoric teachers, while the other philosophers were more interested in seeking the truth.
The Sophists were rhetoric teachers, and their focus was on the art of persuasion by using language. They were wise, intellectual people, and they were trying to use and teach their abilities of persuasion by using language to the wider masses.
The philosophers, on the other hand, were focused on knowing the truth, they wanted to be wiser by knowing the truth instead of dogmatically stand by the false beliefs. So they were trying to teach the wider masses the ways as to how to come to the truth and wisdom.
La bipolaridad internacional causada por la Guerra Fría, que se desarrolló desde 1945 hasta 1991, tuvo como consecuencia principal la caída del comunismo del pedestal político en el que se encontraba hasta ese momento. El comunismo, en su esencia, fue derrotado por el capitalismo democrático defendido por el bloque occidental y, por lo tanto, perdió influencia en los países en los cuales se encontraba funcionando hasta ese momento. Así, países de Europa del Este gradualmente fueron dejando atrás el comunismo, y comenzaron a abrazar sistemas de mercado: liberalismo, socialdemocracia, etc.
Además, proscribió el uso de armas nucleares en el ámbito internacional, toda vez que la tensión generada en dicho período histórico llevó a severas restricciones y controles en la posesión y utilización de materiales bélicos nucleares.
<span>Compliance assistance helps the regulated community (business, industry and government) understand and meet their environmental obligations</span>