They continued to work at a higher wage.
They. we're granted citizenship in 1924.
They we're replaced by returning servicemen.
They we're giving a trip ends to find another job.
What era are you talking of? If so, then was it Beringia? Could you please specify?
1. deficit incurred due to the expenses of a political effort: Debt: to owe money
2. following one's principles: conscientious: somebody is conscientious when he/she performs a job well
3. persons appointed to head the executive departments of the United States Government campaign: cabinet members. Cabinet members are top leaders from the executive department in the US.
4. separation from a main group to form a new group as a result of disunity: segregation. Segregation is to separate someone or something apart from others usually based on religion, race or gender.
5. the removal of legal and social barriers which impose separation of groups: integration. Integration is to successfully mix with a different group of people.
People, Environment , and patterns seems to be correct