Porifera—gastrovascular cavity, coelomate.
Sponges do not contain digestive system but obtain nutrients through the diffusion process. Porifera is the most commonly asymmetrical in nature but can also have radial symmetry. Porifera has no coelom.
Lacking a true digestive system, they depend on the intracellular digestive processes of their choanocytes for their energy intake. Gas exchange, circulation, and excretion occur by diffusion between the water and the cells.
Polysaccharides are the genetic material.
Avery did not observe transformation using the extracts containing degraded DNA. On the other hand, extracts with degraded RNA, proteins, and polysaccharides exhibited transformation. Therefore, he concluded that DNA is the genetic material responsible for transformation. If he would have observed the process of transformation using extracts containing degraded DNA but not with degraded polysaccharides, he might have concluded that "polysaccharides were the genetic material responsible for the process of transformation."
When we perform a study, we test a specific hypothesis to see whether our hypothesis is supported by the data or not. If our hypothesis is not supported by the data, then we can argue that a specific argument (that would be important for this hypothesis) does not have a claim in scientific research.
This is more broadly meant though. Usually you need to perform multiple studies and test multiple hypothesis to be able to critique a scientific argument and see whether the claims it makes and the predictions it makes hold up in scientific research.