This belief is known as divine right, which often has been associated with a monarchy, a form of government in which the power of the king or queen is hereditary.
The Federalists believed that American foreign policy should favor British interests, while the Democratic-Republicans wanted to strengthen ties with the French. The Democratic-Republicans supported the government that had taken over France after the revolution of 1789.
Examples: Hamilton & Jefferson
Hamilton and the Federalists wanted a strong central government, run by well-educated property owners. Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans wanted most power to stay with the states and wanted the farmers and the 'common man' to run the nation.
From 1861 to 1900, the Civil War fostered a great deal of economic change in the United States. During this period, the economic change most fostered by the Civil War included (1) an end to slavery; (2) an increase in the need for cheap labor to work in the factories; and (3) an increase in railroad building.
Ruling the Byzantine Empire and providing the "bubonic plaque" or "Justinian's plaque".