A. Asian
As one of the oldest cities on the West Coast, San Francisco led the economic boom in the West attracting immigrants primarily Chinese workers
Slave laber was no longer an option to help their economy
The Civil War was between the Northern and the Southern states over slavery, the North won and the Emancipation Proclaimation set all the slaves free
The way that they kept their economy healthy was through a system called mercantilism. The British even put taxes called duties on imported goods to discourage this practice. This pushed the colonists to buy only British goods, instead of goods from other European countries.
True it is the idea the they should be equal
Japan attacked pearl harbor because of the following:
1. They need to increase their resources in preparation to their expansion in the Asia Pacific.
2. Restrictions. United States is also interested in the Asia Pacific region. They placed economic restrictions to Japan inhibiting Japanese business growth.
3. Expansion. The president of the United States bring the US Pacifc fleet to the Pearl Harbor. This is to give threat to Japan. Japan knoes that war is inevitable their move is to attacked first.
This attacked took 2500 lives of Americans, 18 ships, 300 planes but Japan did not able to exoand in the Pacific and acquisition of resouces did not happen.