If I had to guess it would be C metabolism
It is endangered? Because a kirtland warbler is a big species.
Can someone help me please Explanation:
Is this test the I going to have trace the path a red blood cell would follow starting in the right ventricle and back to the right ventricle included will be every structure ( heart chamber, valve, vessels ) that the red blood cell would pass trough???
Cartilage rings of trachea have protective role
Trachea is a tube, part of the respiratory system, which allows the passage of the air: from larynx to lungs (primary bronchi). It is enveloped with cartilage rings that prevent collapse of the trachea when there is no air. The cartilage "rings" are C-shaped, except one full ring-shaped - the cricoid cartilage which attaches trachea to the larynx.
Deletion of two nucleotides.
Every amino acid coded by 3 nucleotides.
12:3=4 (amino acids)
6:3=2 (2 amino acids)
3:3=1 (1 amino acid)
After all of these mutations sequence amino acids change, but after continues stay the same.
Only deletion of 2 nucleotides will completely altered all amino acids encoded without mutation.