Party Chief.
Think about it. The POTUS isn't going around partying, are they?
Mate if you want to cheat on an exam you cant litteraly cant sorry nobody knows to
Parallel processing
Parallel processing is the ability of the brain to process many information of differing quality at once.this process involves analyzing and distributing the receive stimulus into four compartments : Color, shape, motion,depth.
George stroke made him to lost the capacity to perceive colors but retained the capacity to perceive movement and form
Janet had a stroke and lost the capacity to perceive motion but retained the capacity to perceive shapes and colors.
The disability in the question are typical type of the four compartment of Parallel processing
<span>In contrast with correlational research, experimental research allows cause-and-effect conclusions. This is because experimental research limits the number of independent variables to one variable, so we know that the independent variable has an effect on the dependent variable. In correlational research the independent variable is not limited to one, so while we know there is a correlation between the independent and dependent variable, we don't know that it caused it. An example is that on a rainy day we see a people carrying umbrellas. However, the correlation between people carrying umbrellas and the rain does not mean the people carrying the umbrellas caused the rain.</span>