If a patient has hemophilia and has cut themselves, you need to realize that the bleeding may not stop for the entire transport and manual pressure may needed to be applied the entire time. You should start an IV on the patient and administer saline, depending on the amount of blood loss.
Prions archea, viroids bacteria, viruses protists are acellular while fungi is cellular.
While viruses have indeed been closely researched for more than a century for infections of people and animals, most viruses, particularly those that infect microorganisms, are still poorly understood.
Pathogenic RNA molecules are known as viroids. Contagious protein particles are identified as prions. Viruses are larger than that of viroids. Viroids are larger than prions in size.
Molds, wild yeasts, as well as mushrooms are examples of fungi. Numerous fungi are multicellular and also have nuclei in their cells. A protein-encased DNA or RNA core defines viruses being non - cellular organisms. Some scientists disagree with the notion that viruses are living things.
You can learn more from the following link:
Conditioned response.
Conditioned response may be defined as a type of learned behavior used in the Pavlov experiment. This type of response mainly generated when the neutral stimulus get mixed with the strong stimulus.
The male quail can be sexually arouse by red light. The red light here acts as the conditioned response because the neutral stimulus (red light) when mixed with the unconditioned stimulus result in the presentation of the female quail and increases the response of the male quail.
Thus, the correct answer is conditioned response.
Those small sections are called Genes
In this case, Gibberellic acid acts as a transcription regulator
Gibberellic acid is a hormone that activates the transcription of genes during growth. The genes that encode for regulators of the gibberellin signaling pathway were manipulated in order to increase grain yields during the green revolution