French Fries and Mac & Cheese.
He prepared a dish called "macaroni pie". This dish evolved to what Americans call macaroni and cheese today. In Paris, Jefferson became concerned that Hemings might learn that he could be free when France had abolished slavery in 1789.
The name of the pestilence is plague or bubonic plague occurred in the city of Florence in 1630–1633. Plague is an infectious disease which is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. it came from the dry plains of Central Asia and spread to Europe through trading ships and other routes such as silk route. Short term effect of plague include people lost their partners, population gets half, shortage of workers and increase in wages etcetera and long term effect include peasants winning their freedom from the feudal system, new ideas of medicines evolved, and peasants' revolt when their wage rise was stopped.
They protests against the Vietnam War, support the civil rights movement and the counterculture and riots.