It is C and the French didn't help matters by not declaring what the boundries of the land actually were. Spain controlled Louisiana (New Orleans and the Mississippi going up for 100 miles). There was no other way that was better than the Mississippi to transport goods from Ohio Valley (for example).
C <<<<< ===== Answer.
When I look at the flag. I do not just see red, white and blue. I see the blood of my forefathers, I see the white flag of hope, I see the love and strength that gave them voice. I see the courage they had to fight and yet love deeply. The flag represents American principles, ideas and values. That is what the flag represents to me, cornerstone values. The American flag means to me unity, responsibility, liberty, and appreciation. And I want to show my appreciation to the flag by saying: "Thank you for serving this country! We appreciate you and all you have done for us!"
Massive destruction of environment.
One Ballistic missile is capable to destroy around 4,800 to 11,500 km of its surrounding environment.
But this is only the beginning.
Countries today has included nuclear component into the missiles. So not only the missile created massive damages, it also make that area becomes radioactive for a couple of decades. Making it impossible for any type of organisms to live in that area.
They used the stars to guide them, in the northern hemisphere Polaris is always to the north. They can also use where the sun and moon rise and set. Rises in the east sets in the west.