If you know this part of the land was once natural levees and low swamps, you can picture its physical features —the topography. The three divisions of the Terraces region are the Blufflands, the Prairies, and the Flatwoods. The Blufflands, the old natural levees, are the highest part of the Terraces region.
Continental Marine Corps
Continental Marines duty was to serve as onboard security forces, protecting the captain of a ship and his officers.
The shape that could be used to describe the structure of social classes in early civilizations is the pyramid. In the absence of social classes the whole system will break down, and the social classes provide basis for a successful civilization.
The uppermost class was of the Brahmins, followed by Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras, Untouchables and last came the Adivasis.
Hope this helps:)
Aid to Viet Cong.
We were fighting against the Viet Cong, not aiding them.