During World War II minority groups used to rally under the slogan, "Double V" These two V meant victory against fascism in Nazi Germany and Japanese Imperialismas well as in the United States in terms of equality for African Americans.
declare war on Japan once the Nazis were defeated is your answer.
In the years before the declaration of war by the USSR on Japan (following the two nuclear attacks on Hiroshima & Nagasaki), the USSR had tried to keep a good relationship with Japan to avoid fighting a two-front war (which would be extremely hard considering the great distance in between European Russia and Asia Russia. However, if USSR was able to defeat one and then the other, it would be easier.
This led to the decision to help the Allies take pressure off the landing of the French beaches (Sword, Juno, Omaha, Utah, etc), and was able to 'tie up' large amounts of German troops in the east.
In return, the USSR declared war on Japan following the bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki (as said above), and the declaration of war on Japan, leading to Japan's surrender.
Singapore is the Southeast Asian country that <span>has the highest per capita international tourism receipts.</span>
T<span>he term that refers to the belief that the United States had a duty to spread democracy across the continent is known as <span>A. Manifest Destiny.
It </span></span><span>was a widely held belief in the United States that its settlers were destined to expand across North America in the 19th century.</span>