I'd have to know the story to answer it 100% correct... but one answer could be "A" if marjorie is not socially accepted herself. But it could also be "D" if Bernice was tempted not to cut her hair.
To lead confidently in times of distress
<u>Main Idea 1:</u>
Humour could help benefit Dr. Fill's program by giving it an edge and Mazlack and Taylor develop programs that can identify jokes.
<u>Main Idea 2: </u>
Humour screens could help detect unintentional puns or jokes that could help save writers from embarrassing themselves, this would be especially helpful to people that are not native as it would help them from making embarrassing errors.
<u>Conclusion: </u>
In conclusion programs that detect humour can help in various programs and even help save newcomers from making embarrassing errors in their writing.
Well its probably easy to write about:
Any war from WWI onwards;
Adolf Hitler;
Of Mice and Men; or
Something you would enjoy learning about. Maybe you like the though of learning about Ancient Greece or Rome or Egypt...
They're some things anyway
Elements of setting may include culture, historical period, geography, and hour. Along with the plot, character, theme, and style, setting is considered one of the fundamental components of fiction.