The reason why the Founding Fathers created a six-year term limit for members of the Senate was:
B. So they could concentrate on the business of the government rather than reelection.
The idea behind the six-year term is stability, as was reasoned by James Madison. Senators could concentrate on doing their jobs instead of worrying about reelection very often. That would give them the chance to do a more stable job. Of course, to prevent Senators from losing touch with people and from becoming a way-too-powerful aristocracy, one-third of the Senators' terms would expire every two years, leaving two-thirds of the members in office.
Human societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions. (it may range from Hunting and gathering society to Post-industrial society). since it may vary over space and time therefore there is no absolute limit to call a society as a developed society.
Congress shall make no LAW respecting an establishment of RELIGION, or prohibiting the free EXERCISE thereof; or abridging the freedom of SPEECH, or of the PRESS; or the right of the people peaceably to ASSEMBLE, and to PETITION the Government for a redress of GRIEVANCES.
When selecting group members for problem-solving, the people
that may be qualified or included are the following;
An individual or group that could provide
assistance or contribute to the process
The person can provide impact on the outcomes
that will likely occur