this might help it helped me have a great day!!
Our fingerprints are like our own dna that makes up our identity. Our fingerprints are like a serial code which can be scanned like the iPhone.
Mountains are cooler than plains because with increase in height the temperature decreases. EXPLANATION: Mountains are located in high elevations and plains are located in low elevations. Their respective heights are measured by term called as their height above sea level.
Large polymers are created during dehydration synthesis, which are typically referred to as biological macromolecules. These compounds include proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids.
As a result, the dehydration reaction is responsible for the formation of protein, lipid, and nucleic acids.
1. Protein structure
- Amino acid polymers form proteins. There are four different types of proteins, based on structure.
- The amino acid sequence of a protein is represented by its primary structure, which is a linear chain.
- The backbone (main chain) atoms of a polypeptide are arranged locally in space to form the protein's secondary structure.
- A polypeptide chain's whole three-dimensional structure is referred to as a protein's tertiary structure.
- The protein's quaternary structure, which is a three-dimensional arrangement of the subunits of a multi-subunit protein.
2. Lipid structure is a crucial element of the cell membrane. The structure is mostly composed of a glycerol backbone, two hydrophobic fatty acid tails, and a hydrophilic phosphate group.
3. Nucleic acids' structure: Nucleotide polymers make up nucleic acids. Each nucleotide is made up of an aromatic base with a N-atom connected to a pentose sugar with five carbons, which is then joined to a phosphate group.
To know more about biological macromolecules visit: