During 1968, the turmoil created chaos, political, and civil rights problems caused by race segregation protests. A media report gave information on a speech given by the Speaker of the Democratic Party on behalf of the running President. It left a negative impact when he opted of violence using police force strategies to end the protests while people riot for their rights. It turned the tide in favor of the Republicans President Nixon and George Wallace.
The Theme is sense of patriotism, Mark Antony is rest in a
difficult position, since he is aware of the fact that the crowd is with the
conspirators and he cannot show his dislike towards the betrayers because of
his friendship with Caesar and throughout the speech, manages to sway the crowd
against the conspirators through his rhetorical irony and strong emotion.
The settlement of these colonies were because of religion.
Is this so
Lewis Grandison Alexander
Sterling A. Brown
Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.