I would suggest November but it actually depends on where you live (a spring month would be good for most states)
Disconformities, nonconformities and angular unconformities
Did you know vacuums used to be horse pulled Singapore btw
El Niño is a natural event that periodically weakens the
western surface of ocean currents in the equatorial pacific ocean. In an El Niño,
the wind that pushes water around (which keeps the east warm and west cold)
gets weaker making the ocean warmer, changing the air temperature and precipitation patterns in the United States.
Geography is literally 'the study of Earth' from 'ge (γη)' meaning earth and 'grapho (γραφω)' to write or to study.
The ninth planet is Pluto, but this was ruled a dwarf planet in 2006. It has a small surface area than Russia.